Easton-Bell Sports

Web Design + Digital Design
Spearheaded the production of all digital marketing assets and social media assetsfor the multiple sport brands under the umbrella of Easton Bell Sports. Projects included high-quality digital campaigns: web banners, landing pages, email blasts and social media assets for all brands.
My Contributions
I assisted in creating digital assets for the global marketing team as well as general website enhancments for the multiple EBS sport brands. The Easton brand umbrella consisted of ( Baseball, Softball, Hockey, Lacrosse, Cycling, Giro, Ridell, Bell Helmets and Blackbrun. All brands had a unique style guide to follow. My main tasks were creating style guidelines, ecommerce promo assets such as eblasts, landing pages and web banners.
As a key contributor to the EBS global brand team, I spearheaded any and all digital marketing creative assets. I worked with cross-functional teams such as ecommerce, marketing, sales and front-end development.

I learned a great deal from my 3 year tenure at Easton-Bell Sports. The team consisted of 3 designers, 1 copywriter, 4 project managers and creative director.

Located in Van Nuys, CA. Easton allowed me to work with multiple team members outside of the creative field. We tackled numerous high demand and quick turn around projects.
Easton-Bell Sports
Web Design + Digital Design
Aug 2011 — Jan 2014